CPE袋是我們的主要產品之一,它的手感柔軟,有彈性,而且拉力強,可造成不同顏色,不同紋路,CPE袋亦可以與普通的PE袋合併成為雙層袋,以半透明磨 沙CPE穿繩袋較受歡迎,亦可制成其他款式,因為CPE袋顏色效果變化多,而且款式時尚新穎,是時裝,玩具,禮品的高級包裝用品,而且添加了EPI降解物料的CPE袋,不會對環境造成污染,詳情請與我們客戶服務部聯絡。
CPE bag is one of our major products. It is soft, flexible, and strong pulling force. CPE bags can also be combined with the ordinary PE layer into double-layer CPE bags. It can be semi-transparent frosted or change color to any color you like. To do more on environment protection, add with EPI degradable material. Please contact us for more information.
Tel : 2343 0030 Fax : 2763 0484