紙袋除了用作商品銷售及消費購物時的盛載工具外,設計獨特、高品質的印刷紙袋亦能提昇商品的價值,所以紙袋至今仍是高消費群及高級品牌最受歡迎的購 物袋之選。加上紙袋具有環保概念,是各大企業樂於採用的不二之選。香港膠袋有限公司是一家集設計、生產、銷售環保購物紙袋的出口商,產品主要有牛皮紙袋、 單粉紙袋、銅版紙袋等。我們紙袋厚度一般由100克至350克不等,紙質堅韌結實,即使裝著較重物品亦無需擔心會穿袋。
各種類型的手挽例如紙條、PP繩、尼龍繩、棉繩、織帶等。紙袋的表面處理如光油或啞油處理、燙金、壓紋、凸字等,先進 的數碼印刷和柯式印刷多達十色,設備完善使我們的紙袋做出不同效果幫助客戶美化商品,以及突出閣下的品牌和形象,從而達到理想的宣傳效用。我們生產的環保 紙袋出口至世界各地,品質優良,二十多年的出口經驗,良好的溝通渠道,使客戶樂意與我們建立長遠的合作關係。
One of the most versatile shopping bags on the market, the paper shopping bags are a great choice for carrying applications. The strongest and most cost efficient materials. Selected from natural kraft paper, art paper and copper paper. Material weight from 100g-350g. Twisted paper handle bag, cotton string handle bag, nylon string handle bag, etc are convenient for your choice. UV processing, embossing, gloss/matt finishing, hot stamping can be used for paper bag surface treatment to highlight your brand and image. We have good supporting infrastructure and equipments, for example the latest technology and most advanced digital print and offset print. So that products reach the highest standards to meet customer's requirements and expectations.
Custom make or ask for stocks item are always welcome. Please contact our customer service department for more information.
Tel : 2343 0030 Fax : 2763 0484