帆布袋屬於歷史最悠久的 環保布袋,它是以一種較粗厚的棉或麻織造而成的布袋,帆布在八世紀時北歐維京人用於帆船因而得名。帆布袋的優點是堅固耐磨,具有良好的防水及防火功能,適 用於各種手提袋、購物袋、禮物袋、廣告袋、文件袋和便攜袋,是最耐用布袋之首選。不同厚度的帆布有不同的效果和作用,而帆布袋一般的厚度由8安士至12安 士不等。由於帆布布料本身非常耐用,所以製造過程手工亦很重要,我們的工廠累積了二十多製作布袋經驗,加上專業的印刷經驗,是你可信的布袋供應商。環保帆 布袋取之於自然可以完全生物分解,唯一缺點就是成本較一般無紡布袋高。
Canvas is an extremely heavy-duty woven fabric normally used for making sails, tents, backpacks and other items. It is also used in such fashion objects as handbags and shoes. Canvas is rugged, durable, waterproof and has a good fire safety features. Applicable to all kinds of handbags, shopping bags, gift bags, advertising bags, paper bags and more. The general thickness is from 8oz to 12oz. The most important is canvas bags can be taken from the natural degradation.
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