環保袋名字的由來實際上是提倡重複使用的生活方式,減少固體廢棄物的產生,改善日益嚴重的白色污染。而環保袋在國外被稱為Green Bag,所謂環保袋,一般是指是其製作材料能夠被自然降解,且被降解的時間不會太長,而相對於可降解,現在國際上環保理念更注重的是可回收再造,同時還可 以重複多次使用的袋子,具有回收價值,我們都可以稱之為環保袋。我們是本地最早推廣環保袋產品的供應商之一,二十多年來為各大小企業、品牌、政府機構及非 牟利團體提供高質素的環保袋。我們從設計、印製、生產到批發運送全程一站式服務,為配合現時的環保趨勢,香港膠袋有限公司積極推出可降解環保袋以及各種各 樣環保布袋,產品有不織布袋/無紡布袋、RPET再生環保袋、帆布袋、棉布袋、麻布袋、胚布袋、牛津布袋、覆膜袋和尼龍袋等,為社會各界推出美歡耐用的環 保袋。按設計造型分類可分立體環保袋、平面環保袋(常見的沒有厚度的環保袋)、底風琴環保袋(即是底有厚度,側面沒厚度的環保袋)、斜咩環保袋、上肩環保 袋、背心環保袋、摺合袋(荷包袋)、索繩環保袋、繩手挽環保袋等等。
Recycle Bag is known as the Green Bag, it is neither woven nor knit and "polypropylene" which is a thermoplastic polymer, petroleum-based material. Polypropylene is used in a wide variety of applications including packaging and textiles and is a recyclable plastic. It is extremely smooth to the touch and has similar strength as the Natural Cotton material. The smooth surface allows for superior screen printing. We are the pioneer to promote the green bag for local suppliers more than twenty years. In line with current trends in environmental protection, we introduced biodegradable and recycled properties of active on environmental protection bags, PET bags, Nylon Bags, cotton bags, nylon bags, etc.
Unlike many other low-cost NWPP bags on the market, our offering which is produced in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.
Tel : 2343 0030 Fax : 2763 0484
email : sales@polybag.com.hk