香港膠袋有限公司專門印製及批發各種布袋,而當中的棉布袋雖然比起一般的不織布袋(無紡布袋)成本較高,但棉布袋更堅韌更耐用,而且棉布袋的原材料為天然 的棉花,分解期是各種布袋中最快的,加上一般的棉布袋都不會染色,所以不污染環境,而且清洗容易,完全稱得上是環保布袋。我們的棉布袋有不同的布料克數, 當印上客户的各種設計圖案和Logo後,不但可以起到綠色的宣傳作用,同時亦使棉布袋成為最高級,最方便和最環保的便攜袋。我們公司生產的棉布袋品質優 越,更多的布袋款式如摺合袋,背心袋,沖孔手提袋,索繩袋,斜孭袋等未能盡錄,詳情請致電查詢。 Ltd produce cotton bags. Although the cost is higher than non-woven bag, but it is tougher, more durable and easy to clean. It is the most natural material from the nature, general material are not dyeing with color in order to less pollution. Cotton bag has different weights. It not only can create the green image after print with your logo, it also makes the bag to be the most advanced, most convenient and most environmentally friendly. Our company produces superior quality cotton bag. More types such as foldable bag, vest bag, die-cut bag, drawstring bag, backpack, etcs. Please call us for more details.
Tel : 2343 0030 Fax : 2763 0484